Monday- work 8-5 (means getting up at 6 daughter to school by 7:20), Daughter's softball game- home at 9 (ish)- bed at 10 (ish).
Tuesday- work (8-5- same story)- Took youngest to the field ("quality time"- yep crazy!) home at 8:30 pm, Bed at 11.
Wednesday- ah HELL! WORK- Let's have fun- SCHOOL 6pm- 10pm (I'm serious)- bed- PLEASE DEAR GOD by 11!
Thursday- CRAP WORK- wonder if my daughter still cares about school? yep! Dang!- Oh yeah- forgot- work time 8:30 PM (YOU FEEL ME)- oh you are probably already asleep at this point! I know I am! Home cause seriously where else am I suppose to go? BED- (after internet "playtime" 10)
Friday- Drop of the kid- Now do I have a meeting? THIS WEEK YES! DANG! THAT MEANS WORK 8-5 MAN!!!! Meeting at 6 till 9 (no rest for the wicked- or something like that)
Saturday- I want to see my HUBBY! That will be at a BALL FIELD! It's FLORIDA- It's HOT!
Sunday- Take one guess!!!
Can ANYONE guess why WEDNESDAY at 10 am I sporting a migraine?

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