Tuesday, January 16, 2018


In 2004 my life came crashing down. The words "multiple sclerosis" back then still were such a huge long term unknown in the sense of treatment options and long term care. I saw myself with little to no options available for life...
For about 5 minutes!
It really never dawned on me that MS would ruin my life, just change it. I knew people that had MS and their lives had been... Forever changed. I guess it's easy to say I have always been determined not to be them.
Do I have a secret? Some super medical treatment or medical therapy- Heck no!
I have listened to my Doctors over the years and followed their advice (within reason). I have stuck to taking meds when needed as needed.
And sure, my life isn't roses. I mean its 12:40 am and I am up typing about my MS & reading old blogs to see how things have changed or when things have bothered me the most (to write about them)... But truth is... I am pretty darn lucky!
I'll take it! Leg cramp and sleepy issues and all!

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