He comes in, mind you on a great day he weighs a buck ten and he's maybe 5'2". He was giving me a hard time at one appointment about the number of migraines and the amount of stress/work,etc. I laughed, looked straight at him and said with a perfectly straight face, "and I could still take you!" At which point he started laughing and said, " I'm glad you haven't lost your spunk, Let's go ahead and treat your migraine." Ah, yeah... Ya think! He does love me...
So now he goes through all,his questions and his normal (I call it DUI) neuro testing, has me walk, and then asks me if there is anything he's missed. This is always my favorite part, not because he asks, but because sometimes I remember things I want to talk about (hello I have a brain issue!) other times I completely forget and get to the car or worse get home and am totally annoyed I forgot.
This last appointment, I had my list. I also had printed the article I was featured in and framed for both of them as a gift. I wrote personal "thank-yous" and sat ready for my appointment.
As Patty took me back, I did climb on the scale.mi was super pleased with the work I have been doing, and Patty laughed as she captured the "awesome" progress. Dang, now I have to keep that up! She took me back, ask me for my updates, that's when I gave her the frame...
Appointment went well,questions got answered, MRI got ordered. I was very pleased when the results came back... 10 years and nothing new, nothing larger.
There are days when I feel awesome. Like I could run miles. Then there are days when I wish they would just end. The sheer pain alone is beyond anything I could possibly explain, and then there's "food". Eating this makes me feel this way, eating that makes me feel that way... Tired... Oh please! That's just half the story. My whole body feels as though it can't move because it's so tired, I have to rest, it's all I can so, yet my mind is going 1000 miles a minute. So not right! So then what, I get rest, and then I feel great, and I want to RUN.... How on earth do you possibly explain that?
Yeah... My body, not always my friend!
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