Then there's sick. There's please just let me die sick. There's- I think I'm dead sick. And my favorite- please don't let it get any worse than this- sick... (Right before it does)....
Oh, let's for grins and giggles add MS to the mix and have Dr's stare at medical charts for several minutes almost like a crystal ball hoping for a miracle trying to figure out what to do next. To start, no one knows how you have the original decease to start with, so your MS treatments have really been trail and error. But now, you have issues... Well, you are on a boatload of medicine (that's about as medical as I'm going to get) so shouldn't one or more of those fine medications help? No? Well, what can you take that won't interact with what you are on while at the same time provide you with relief? Oh,my oh weren't expecting the Dr to do the heavy lifting were you? Surely by now you're an expert in drugology or whatever "ology" it is that keeps you out of the morgue and away from a toxicology report... I mean doesn't WebMD supply you with everything you need to know?
If you're like me, you love the fact that most searches on there point to cancer, death, and a trip to the ER. They really should call it WebDeath or WebMDcashcow. Cause someone is making a ton of money with all the hypochondriacs that now have Ebola. I can't imagine working in an ER... You all deserve another raise.
My last white blood cell test (oh yeah total badge of honor here) was 2.5... Am I going around licking doorknobs? Hmmm, maybe I should. But no, washing hands, keeping clean, yes! Go figure.
Last week and going into this week, I became ill, it wasn't an "MS attack" thank Goodness! But I was seriously ill. I stayed in bed. I rested. Drank fluids. Took all the different medications (except for the one that made me feel high and dizzy). Did all the things the Dr said a person with an already crappie immune system should do... Did I flood the ER? No! Cause to be honest, there's sick.... Then there's MS sick!
Living life means toughing it out sometimes... Weather the storm, the rainbow is up ahead...